
Drum Panning Panning – Drums

Panning done correctly can help create a musical and interesting mix.  Not to mention it gives each instrument its own space in the [...]

Shelving EQ Tips – Shelving

What is it? Shelving EQ involves boosting or cutting high or low frequencies. Shelving differs from High and Low Pass Filters as unwanted [...]

Master 1_Page_1 Band Press Kits

Band Press kits are really important.  They can contain information like biographies and pictures.  This helps when a booking agent wants to [...]

bass-traps-placement-room-layout-1-backwall DIY Acoustic Treatment (Small Studio)

This is a PowerPoint I put together in college in my acoustics class.  Proper acoustic treatment is really important but sadly it is not [...]

Glyn Johns Pic 2 The Glyn Johns Drum Recording Technique

One of my favorite drum microphone setups for recording.  This method has been heard in recordings from Led Zeppelin, The Who to Eric [...]