The Glyn Johns Drum Recording Technique

One of my favorite drum microphone setups for recording.  This method has been heard in recordings from Led Zeppelin, The Who to Eric Clapton.   What I like about it is that it conveys a warm almost live sound to your drum tracks.

My setup:

4 microphones

  1. Kick Drum: Beta 52
  2. Snare: SM 57
  3. Overhead: Nuemann u87
  4. Overhead: Nuemann u87
  • Place the mic at the edge of the drum just above the hoop and aimed at the center of the head.

  • Place the first overhead mic directly over the snare, about three or four feet above the drum.
    ** The second overhead gets placed on the outside of the drummer’s floor tom. The mic should be a little higher than the top of the floor tom and lower than the cymbals.
    ** One of the keys to this is to make sure both mics are the exact same distance from the center of the snare drum.


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